Transformed for Life reunites homeless, trafficked, and abandoned children with their biological families. We do not believe that poverty is ever a reason for a child to be on the streets or in an orphanage. We therefore provide a high level of support for former street, abandoned, and orphaned children to be able to successfully stay with their families or with a foster/adoptive family. This is done through family tracing, resettlement, counseling, family support, and empowerment, and a quality education as well as taking care of the child’s basic needs such as clothing, tutoring, meals, and books at school, and medical care.
Transformed for Life Resettlement Stories
Dissan, who wanted his story to be shared, was resettled back with his grandmother, who loves him dearly. Dissan had run away from home because the family had run out of school fees for him to be able to finish Primary 7 (Junior High) and he went to the streets in search of a better life.
He didn't find it there and when given the opportunity to be resettled back with his family he was happy to go home. His grandmother was even happier to have him home, fearing that he had died on the streets.
Through the support of TFL in paying for school fees and school requirements, Dissan was able to finish Primary 7 and the national examinations. TFL put Dissan through vocational school for building and welding, where of course this hard-working and joyful young man simply excelled. He has graduated from TFL and his program and how has a job in construction. We are so proud of this young man! Way to go Dissan!