A Perfect Injustice is an evangelical ministry deeply committed to the historic essentials of the Christian faith. Our goal is to raise up reproducing disciples based on Jesus’ Great Commission mandate found in Matthew 28:18-20. We are committed to the authority and complete trustworthiness (inerrancy) of the scriptures. We operate on the convictions that sin is the problem, Christ is the healer, and Scripture is the only reliable guide to truth. We trust in the work of the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction in all work that comes out of this ministry.
We recognize that we are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness, grace and salvation. We believe that as a ministry we are to pray together, hold each other accountable, forgive each other, speak truth and lift each other up as instructed in Ephesians 4.
In our ministry, we work with traumatized people stuck in cycles of generational abuse, poverty, illiteracy, and witchcraft. We know that the one who can offer true hope, transformation, and salvation is Jesus Christ. We prioritize walking with people in life and discipling them on a regular basis so that they can learn who God is, His incredible love for them, how they can have a personal relationship with Him, live a full and godly life, and share the Good News with others.
James 2:16 reads: “If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” We believe in the importance of attending to not just the spiritual but the physical needs of those that we are ministering to. Matthew 25:40-45 is a reminder of how serious God takes it when we deny caring for the physical needs of those who come to us seeking assistance. At Transformed for Life (TFL), we believe in responding to the needs of those around us, not out of our excess, but out of an act of obedience and faith. Time and time again, as we have stepped out in faith to say yes to the needs around us (which can be overwhelming) God has always provided.
Transformed for Life works in Kibaale District where we aim to holistically empower vulnerable families towards a sustainably better future. We do this through a variety of ways including running an early education and primary school, community empowerment programs, and wildlife conservation activities.
Through these programs, Transformed for Life aims at strengthening women and through them their entire family to have a better quality of life. Focus areas included: domestic violence, trauma, parenting, marriage, health, nutrition, money management, agriculture, and mental health. As all the families are sustenance farmers, they have also been trained on a variety of improved agricultural techniques that have been improving families crops, health and psychological well-being, though we feel that more trainings can be done. We have recognized that beyond trainings, there is also a need for these women to receive agricultural inputs that would increase their annual harvest yield in response to the high economic and educational needs of their community.
Core Values
To transform hearts and minds for Christ and to holistically empower vulnerable people for a better future.
Meet the Founders of TFL:
David and Abigail Kakeeto, are the founders of Transformed for Life. David has a degree in Social Work and Social Administration from Saint Lawrence University and I have a degree in IAS: Multicultural Work from Arizona State University. They are both social workers and have been married since 2011.
After a year of ministering to street children together David asked me out on a date. We dated and were engaged for a total of nine months before we got married at Streams of Life Church in Kampala. We had 400 street children in attendance at our wedding and the 24 children in our home were all our groomsmen. It was a beautiful and wild wedding that no one would soon forget!