Bee Keeping Project:
We would like to have a beekeeping project to pollinate the fruit orchard around our school, provide honey for our school to replace purchasing sugar, as well as to sell.
Beehives `10 hives at $428 Fencing off of the area $570 Bee keeping safety suit (3) $103 Smoker $210 Honey extracting equipment $1,500 |
Community garden
A lack of firewood has become a huge burden to those in our community as they have completely destroyed the rainforest (that is no more) to monocrop maize. We would like to plant 10,000 trees in a large community managed forest garden. Costs: $30,000 (which comes to 10,000 trees at $3 per tree)
This includes: purchase and transportation of high quality tree seedlings for fruit, medicine and firewood as well as purchase of the land in the community center. |
Uganda does not have public libraries, and books are expensive and hard to get here. All books will be stocked in our school library and available for students, staff, staff families, and foster children to read and enjoy! Bibles will be given out to all who do not have one!
Number Needed: As many as we can get! You can donate these book or make a donation online for us to purchase them ourselves. |